Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Do you want this or what?

So back in November, the Celtic Consort and I invested in some new furniture. My two favorite things about the new stuff is the wonderful backdrop it makes to my knitting photos and the fact that the coffee table had 4 stools that tuck in underneath. That second feature will come in handy with the birthday celebrations for Younger Celting this weekend. But what does this have to do with anything? Well, the Consort spent the day calling about trying to donate our old stuff to some organization. It's in okay condition... good enough that we gave our friends first crack at carrying it off. Well apparently the general consensus with the organizations was that it was a pain for them to have to come and get it. The Vets said it was too long. Goodwill only has certain locations pickup. There were a few more in there. Finally, after some gruff conversation, the Salvation Army agreed to take it. The gentleman offered to book the next date for pickup... Feb 23. Huh? Six weeks? I can see 2 or 3, maybe even stretch to 4 weeks. Six? What happened to we'll be happy to have it? The Consort is so disgruntled about it, he suggested that it be blog fodder. Yeah the same guy who refers to the knitting group as The Cult and can't get the concept of the blog. So there it is.

Now on to KNITTING!
Okay well first spinning. Julia and I brought our wheels to knitting on Friday. She's still spinning that beautiful roving that Laurie, Heather, and I all agree we need to have. I've been working on some yummy purple stuff. Look at the beautiful heathery effect it's getting.
I eventually put that away to work on Rogue. I took some shots once I was able to stop knitting long enough to pick up the camera. I'm totally enjoying it. I can't wait until I get to the point of wearing it.

Okay and for my final part, I'm participating in TKR's pledge:

I hereby pledge to send a handmade gift to the first three people who comment on this entry. No real promises about time frame, but it’ll be within the next 365 days. In return, you have to post the same offer on your blog, and prepare to send a gift to three other people.

Maybe I'll gift someone with some handspun.....


Downtown Dancing Knitter said...

YAY!!! You finally decided to join in on the fun-- I have no idea what I'll do for everyone yet... Hmm..... I like you're idea though :) haha

DPUTiger said...

(opting out on the "pay it forward" ... sorry!) Meanwhile, I wanted to say ...

1. Try CraigsList. I got rid of a couch and desk that way when we moved from LA to Pgh.

2. My husband always referred to my Friday Night quilting group as my Cult as well. Men!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having Lisa, Kristin and I for knitting tonight at Borders. It was really great to meet everyone, and all the advice, tips and recommendations were helpful.

I am having a lot of fun reading your posts. I like that you have included links... I 'll be lost in here for days if not longer. :)

This idea of yours is very cool. I guess I need to set up a knitting blog so I can fulfill my end of the deal. The only blog I have is about when we lived in Singapore for a brief time - feel free to check it out... it makes more sense if you start at the beginning because a lot of the posts reference previous posts.

:) Kate

LaurieG said...

I'll bite on the handmade gifts.