Monday, March 26, 2007

Signs of Spring

First knitting news for all of you. I'm almost done with the hat just need to do the last round of decreases and pull the end through. However, I've finished the first sock and I'm up to the leg on the second. At this rate, I should be able to finish the second sock and start on the second hat. I'm hoping to use up the last of the camo yarn from the Celtings camo sweaters for it.

On to the subject of Spring. This week I've had a few signs of spring. First was the call from the soccer coach reminding me that soccer started Saturday... at 8:30am. Now for those of you who don't know me, I could sleep until noon if the Celtings would let me so this is butt crack of dawn early for me. I am prepared with my knitting gloves but still need to order my Lava Buns. Now if only Starbucks delivered.

Yesterday evening was the second sign. After the Celtings had spent a glorious spring day playing outside ("Go be boring outside!"), I found a familiar and painful sight when then trekked back into the house. Bright pink sunburn on the back of their necks and across the bridges of their noses. Now I'm a fair lady so I can sympathize with the pain but boy does it make them look even more active and handsome. I should've known better but who's thinking sunscreen in March?

The third sign came as a call from the baseball coach rattling off all the details of upcoming practice. Everyone say "Go Padres!" as this is our team. Now if I recall, the Padres are navy and white which means investment in stain removers for Mom. Keep your fingers crossed that they go for grey and not white pants.

But here's the biggest sign... all 85lbs of her. Ginger, our dog. It's that time of year where we prop the front door to let in the fresh air and let her roam freely from inside to outside. In general a nice thing since we're not continually getting up to appease her exuberant behavior. However, Ginger is quite "chatty". This means anyone she can spot on our street, she must tell that this is HER YARD! And heaven forbid if you are a tall dark haired man or have a tiny dog. These people make her bark twice as much. To put things into perspective for you, Ginger is half Lab and half Rhodesian Ridgeback. This means she sleek, muscular, and darn intimidating when she's barking. Reactions range from some guy's "That's a good dog to have!" to the tiny tot's "PUPPY!! Pretty PUPPY!!!" to the most common... running like wild hounds are chasing you. So once again, I'm thinking of the bark collar. Not the zappy one, but the one with a citronella spray to distract her. Until then, it's outside with the bitter apple spray when excessive barking comes into play. Let's hope our friend Russian Lady doesn't reappear soon.

1 comment:

LaurieG said...

I still think that dog is misnamed. Remember when I used to say you should have named her Vixen? Well, I take that one back and propose Grendel.